The Millennium – A Look at Revelation 20

Revelation 20 is one of the most debated passages in Scripture. When reading commentaries on this passage, it seems that there are about as many interpretations as there are writers. What causes this to be such a unique passage of Scripture is that according to Eerdmans’ Handbook on the Bible, this is the Scripture “which contains the Bible’s only mention of a millennium” (Alexander, 656). The questions which most are trying to answer are, what is the millennium? How long is it? Are the 1000 years symbolic or literal? Where does it take place? And, is it spiritual or physical? All of these questions are what makes this passage so unique. The focus of this paper will be first, to give a basic understanding of the three most common understandings of the millenium, second to follow some basic hermeneutical principles and exegete the Scripture to get a general understanding of what the author originally meant, and third, to give arguments for and against each view.

I. General Understandings of the Millenium



The three most common understandings of the millenium may sound a little different depending on who you talk with, but can be broken down into three different categories; premillennialism, postmillennialism or amillennialism.

Today, it seems the most predominant view is premillennialism. This view holds to the idea that Christ’s second coming will precede the millennium. According to Henry Virkler in his book Hermeneutics, premillennialists believe that “He (Christ) will descend to earth and set up a literal 1000-year earthly kingdom with its headquarters in Jerusalem” (Virkler, 201). It is important to understand that not all premillennialists agree on all the details. There are two major camps of premillennialists: traditional premillennialists and dispensational premillennialists. When it comes to the actual details of the millenium there will be a lot of disagreement on its nature and purpose, but to be a premillenialist a person must believe that Christ’s second coming will take place before the millennium (pre-millennium).

Postmillennialism, according to Virkler, “is the view that through evangelism, the world eventually will be reached for Christ. There will be a period in which the world will experience joy and peace because of its obedience to God. Christ will return to earth at the end of the millennium” (post-millennium) (201). It must be clarified that postmillennialists do not believe that everyone will be a Christian during this time, but that society as a whole will be Christian.

Amillennialism, according to Virkler, “is conceptually a form of postmillennialism. The millennium, in this theory, is symbolic and refers to the time between Christ’s first and second coming. During this time Christ rules symbolically in men’s hearts. Christ’s second coming will mark the end of the period.” Amillennialists believe that Christ will never have an earthly rule (a- or no-millennium)” (201).

The terms postmillennial and amillennial are sometimes interchangeable depending on who is defining the them, since both of them believe Christ will return after (post) some kind of millennium. This paper will use the definitions provided by Virkler. The major difference between the two is that postmillennialists believe that Christianity will spread across the globe and usher in a time of peace. Amillennialists do not believe that Christianity will usher in this time of peace universally, except in the hearts of men. In the history of the Church, variant forms of these two positions have been the dominant view. Charles Hodge in his Systematic Theology explains the most basic understanding of postmillennialism: “The common doctrine of the Church stated above, is that the conversion of the world, the restoration of the Jews, and the destruction of Antichrist are to precede the second coming of Christ, which event will be attended by the general resurrection of the dead, the final judgment, the end of the world, and the consummation of the Church” (Hodge, 861). This was the view of many of the reformers and the puritans and some suggest that even though the terms were not used, the bare bones of this doctrine shows through in Augustine’s famous work City of God. Postmillennialism seems to carry the worst stigmatism because of the fact that the liberals had hijacked this doctrine early in the twentieth century and turned it into a naturalistic and modernist’s doctrine. For a while, if you were a postmillennialist then you were considered to be on your way to becoming a liberal—if you were not already. Though this was an actual concern, it was based on a misrepresentation of what postmillennialist’s actually believe. In fact, the puritans were postmillennial, but not commonly considered liberal. Consequently, postmillennialism cannot automatically be linked with liberalism.

Premillennialism, being the less commonly held view, began to gain momentum about 300 years ago. This was around the time that dispensationalism came onto the scene, but it did not find its origins at this time. In fact, Charles Hodge states, “In opposition to this view (postmillennialism) the doctrine of a premillennial advent of Christ has been extensively held from the days of the Apostles to the present time.” Two world wars also led many people to reconsider the idea that the world was getting better, which helped premillennialism become the new majority view.

II. General Exegesis of Revelation 20



It is here that we will turn our attention to the actual Biblical text. The goal of finding the truth of Scripture is to find out what the author originally meant. The way to accomplish this is to start with historical-cultural and contextual analysis. This analysis means to uncover some basic information about the text, such as when was it written, who is the author, what was the situation at the time the author was writing, what was the purpose of the author, and how would his targeted audience have understood the passages. These questions can sometimes be harder to answer than they sound, but many of the answers can be found in the text itself. It is important to always interpret the obscure passages of Scripture with clear and easy to understand passages.

Most scholars place the writing of Revelation around 90-95 AD. In Revelation 1:4, the author identifies himself simply as John. According to Robert H. Mounce in his Commentary on the Book of Revelation, “Early tradition is unanimous in its opinion that the Apocalypse was written by John the Apostle” (Mounce, 27). Further insight into the historical context can be found in Revelation 1:9 which says, “I, John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was on the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.” This verse lets us know that the audience the author was trying to reach was facing persecution and that John himself had been exiled to the Isle of Patmos at this time because of his preaching. In How to Read the Bible for All it’s Worth, Gordon D. Fee writes, “the main themes are abundantly clear: the church and state are on a collision course; and initial victory will appear to belong to the state. Thus he warns the church that suffering and death lie ahead; indeed, it will get far worse before it gets better (6:9-11)” (Fee, 239). Fee goes on to state that John’s message is to encourage the church not to capitulate because Christ holds the keys to history and the future, and that eventually the wrath of God will be revealed against those who persecute the Church.

After understanding the basic historical situation of the author and the original audience it is important to understand lexical-syntactical facts about the text. For the book of Revelation, the most important step is to identify and have a general understanding of the literary form. The book of Revelation is what is called “apocalyptic literature,” which was common around this time. In the Old Testament, Ezekiel, Daniel, Zechariah, and parts of Isaiah are examples of apocalyptic literature according to Fee (232). Most scholars place the majority of apocalyptic literature—much of which is not canonical—between 200 BC and 100 AD (Mounce, 18).

Fee sums up the general purpose of this type of literature:

“Apocalyptic was born either in persecution or in time of great oppression. Therefore, its great concern was no longer with God’s activity within history. The apocalyptists looked exclusively forward to the time when God would bring a violent, radical end to history an end that would mean the triumph of right and final judgement of evil.” (p. 233)

This is the type of literature that is found in Revelation. Typical apocalyptic literature used many symbols and is presented in the form of fantasy rather than reality (Fee, 233). This fantasy rather than reality is where much of the trouble in interpreting the book of Revelation is found. What is to be taken as symbols and what is to be taken literally? The trouble is that in many of these cases the Scripture itself does not tell us what is symbolic and what is not. Here is actually where most of the disagreement is found.

A quick read through Revelation reveals a basic outline. The book starts with an introduction followed by a message to the seven churches of that time, which are actually the recipients of John’s letter. In Chapters 4 and 5, the book moves into a view of heaven and of Christ. In Chapter 6-22, we see the drama unfold as Christ, the only one fit to open the seals, begins to pour his wrath upon the earth and the wickedness found in it. The book closes at the end of chapter 22 with the angel giving John some basic instructions not to seal up the book because “blessed is he who heeds the words of the prophecy of this book” (Rev.22:7).

Whether John was writing about the past, present or the future, further complicates the interpretation of this book. There are three different understandings regarding this. First, according to J. Vernon McGee, we have the preterist view, which holds that everything John was writing about had already taken place when it was written. It was recent Church history written in symbols to encourage the Church at that time” (Mcgee, 13). The next view is the historical interpretation. This is the view, “that the fulfillment of Revelation is going on continuously in the history of the church from John’s day to the present time” (14). The third interpretation is called futurist. This is view most commonly held by premillennialists, which sees the book of Revelation as prophetic. The book is describing what will take place in the future (14).

Reading through the book of Revelation it will be difficult to fit the entire book into one of these categories. It seems pretty hard to fit chapters 21 and 22, which deal with the new earth, into a preterist understanding. It also seems hard to place chapter 12, which seems to be speaking about Christ’s birth into the futurist view. Understanding whether the fulfillment of John’s Revelation has already taken place, is taking place currently, or will take place at the end times is probably one of the most difficult aspects of the book to uncover.

The millennium seems to be found after the second coming, which is written about in chapter 19, in which Christ returns and the beast is destroyed. Moving into chapter 20, the chronology seems to flow to the dragon or Satan who controlled the beast. The dragon is then bound and cast into the bottomless pit. Those who did not take the mark of the beast during the struggle will be resurrected first and rule with Christ for a thousand years after which will be the second resurrection of the saints and the final judgment. This is where we find the “million-dollar question:” what, when, and where is the millennial reign?

III. Arguments for and against the different views of the millennium



Postmillennialists and amilliennialists tend to use many of the same objections against the premillennial interpretation. The following objections can be found in Charles Hodge’s Systematic Theology. Hodge lists eight objections, many with subcategories, but due to the length of this paper only a few will be dealt with briefly. The majority of the objections against the premillennial view deal with its inconsistency with the rest of Scripture. Post- and amillennialists tend to hold tightly to the idea that Scripture is its own best interpreter. One of Hodge’s main objections is that the premillennial theory is inconsistent with Scripture, because “the Bible teaches that when Christ comes all nations shall appear at his bar for judgment. This theory teaches that the final judgment will not occur until after the millennium” (Hodge, 862). Another reason that Hodge believes this position is inconsistent with Scripture is that “the Scriptures teach when Christ comes the second time without sin unto salvation, then the Church shall enter on its everlasting state of exaltation and glory.” The inconsistency is that according to the premillennial position, “instead of heaven awaiting the risen saints, they are to be introduced into a mere worldly kingdom” (863).

Another objection that postmillennialists make against the premillennialist’s theory is that “it disparages the Gospel” (864). Since the postmillennialists believe that eventually the Gospel will spread across the globe and usher in an era of peace, because the “gospel is the power of God unto salvation,” (Rom. 1:16) and against the church “the gates of hell will not prevail” (Mat. 16:18). The premillennial view says the gospel will fail to usher in this time of peace. To the postmillennialist, this idea seems to weaken the power of the gospel to change the world.

The premillennial position also has its list of objections to the other positions. The main objection that is usually brought up is that the other positions do not take Scripture literally enough. Revelation says that there will be a thousand year reign which will follow the second coming. The other positions tend to symbolize too much. Of course, the common response to this argument is that the other positions do take the Bible literally, and when symbolism is used, they take what that symbol represents literally. The premillennialists in this instance see no indication that the millennium is a symbol.

One of the strongest arguments against the amillennial view is that if we are in the millennium now, then Satan is currently bound. This is where the premillennialists argue that this positions is inconsistent with Scripture, because Satan, according to Scripture “prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” (1 Pet 5:8). This does not appear to be someone who is bound in a bottomless pit! Not to mention that the passage says he will be unbound in the last days. If it was Christ’s death that bound him and rules in our hearts, as the amillenniallists argue, does that mean that the power of Christ’s death will be undone when he is loosed?

In the book Hard Sayings of the Bible, Walter Kaiser presents three purposes for the millennium. Two of which seem the strongest. “First, it demonstrates the victory of Christ, [and] second, it vindicates the righteous rule of God, redeeming history. Is it possible that God could not rule this earth any better than human beings” (Kaiser, 779). Dispensationalists also see it as the fulfillment of the promises made to Israel in the Old Testament, which as they claim have not yet been fulfilled.

One of the amillennialists strongest arguments against the postmillennialist position is the parable of the wheat and tares found in Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43. In this parable, Jesus paints a picture of believers and non-believers growing up in the world together, one in which they will not be separated until the day of the Lord. They believe this shows us that the church will not overtake the world, but will grow alongside of the world.

In conclusion, it seems that the way a person interprets the millennium is directly related to how they see the outline of Revelation. Is it a chronological flow of events as the dispensational premillennialists suggest it is, or are some of the visions that John sees out of order and somewhat concurrent as they portray many of the same periods of time in different ways? For example, David Chilton, in his book The Days of Vengeance, sees chapters 19, 20, and 21 as a series of seven independent visions. Speaking of the binding of Satan, he states, “The importance of the imagery in this passage is heightened by its centrality as the fourth of seven visions introduced by the expression ‘and I saw’” (Rev. 19:11, 17,19; 20:4, 11; 21:1) (Chilton, 499). Viewing the breakdown of Revelation this way makes it easier to see the millennium as not following the second coming.

Understanding apocalyptic literature, it may actually be that John through his writing of Revelation was not intending to give us a full understanding of how the end times will unfold. It seems that its main purpose was to encourage the Church through the persecution it will face, by realizing that in spite of anything we face, all struggles will eventually be solved by the coming of Christ. As believers, we should seek to live our lives with Christ as our perfect example. If the day comes when Christianity becomes the dominant religion of the world, as the postmillennialists say, then we will enjoy peace ushered in by the gospel. If that time does not come and there is no real millennium as the amillennialists say, then we have done our job and fought for what is right and the final judgment will set things straight. If there is an actual millenium after Christ returns, it will be a time when the saints who are there will enjoy reigning with Christ. But for us who are not living in that time period, our job is still to be salt and light, regardless of the fact that the Church will never become dominant in this world. I says this because it seems that some of the dispensationalists view the end times as only getting worse, believing that the church should merely huddle in a corner until it is all over because there is no hope of any significant reformation and revival. This goes directly against what Scripture has called us to do.

After reading so many sources on this topic, I find myself holding loosely to historical premillennialism also known as non-dispensational premillennialism. The reason for my gravitation to this point of view is influenced by many factors, but most importantly by my understanding of the book of Revelation itself, even though I believe some passages like, chapter 12 seem to be preterist passages, and many others are historical. It seems that many of the passages that John writes, especially in chapters 19-22, are prophecies of the future, because this is how John actually starts the book. He states that the Revelation is of things “which must shortly take place” (Rev. 1:1). Seeing these passages as eschatological, they seem to follow a forward moving chronology except for a few interludes. Having both of these in place leads me to see the millenium as taking place after the second coming. As to whether the millenium is an actual thousand years, I am not certain.

At this point, I would not rule out the other views. I would be what Herschel Hobbs in his book Revelation: Three Views, calls a “pre without a program” (Hobbs, 136). By this he means someone without a detailed layout of how the end times will unfold. It seems to me that there are things about the last days that we know with certainty and it is these truths that bring us hope. The book of Revelation encourages us to hold firm regardless of any persecution we may face, because Christ is coming to judge. The Apostles Creed tells us, “[Jesus Christ] ascended into heaven. And sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty. From thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead.” Because of this certain knowledge there is no further explanation that is really needed. It is with this simple truth that we can take courage and move forward proclaiming the gospel to all nations.

-Doug Eaton-


Works Cited

Alexander, David, Eerdmans’ Handbook to the Bible, (William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1987)

Chilton, David, The Days of Vengeance an Exposition of the Book of Revelation, (Dominion Press, 1987)

Fee, Gordon, How to read the Bible for All Its Worth, (Zondervan, Second Edition 1993)

Hobbs, Herschel, Revelation: Three Viewpoints, (Broadman Press, 1977)

Hodge, Charles, Systematic Theology, Vol. 3, (William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1872)

Kaiser, Walter, Hard Sayings of the Bible, (InterVarsity Press, 1996)

McGee, J. Vernon, Revelation Volume 3, (Thru the Bible Books, 1979)

Mounce, Robert H., The New International Commentary on the New Testament, The Book of Revelation, (William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1977)

Virkler, Henry A., Hermeneutics, Principles and Processes of Biblical Interpretation, (Baker Books, 1981)

24 thoughts on “The Millennium – A Look at Revelation 20

  1. I heard the sermon that was attached. It is a good sermon. I wish to thank you for writing me. My wife and I have no children, and we hear nothing from our cousins. I am a former Southern Baptist who is now a United Methodist.


  2. I wish to say that DeWayne could be right. I disagree with him concerning Christ’s descent into Sheol. The NIV translates sheol in Psalm 16 as the grave. I accept the view that Jesus and the thief on the cross went to paradise in the third heaven after their spirits left their bodies (2 Corinthians 12). I feel that the Old Testament saints went there before our Lord’s coming since they accepted the coming of Jesus as Christ. I feel that the millennium is symbolic. DeWayne makes good sense concerning this matter. He could be non-classic postmillennial or amillennial; however, I think he is right. I have read Dr. Ray Summers, a retired professor of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He was amillennialist. Perhaps I am too. In any case, we shall one day find out which view of the millennium is correct. May God bless you and give you a long a prosperous life.



  3. Perhaps best for understanding Rev-20 concerning this Greek ‘Chilioi’ (in Latin ‘Mille’), is the common relation of both (1)Satan cast into the abyss, and (2)Saints reigning with Christ, and how related to these (2) Millennium/Chilioi as one common time period.

    Most important about these saints, they are ‘resurrected’ for eternity, not ‘one thousand years.

    Next is understanding what this ‘resurrection’ means. Christ spoke of a people dead in their sin, saying let the dead bury their dead. In this same context Christ advises those hearing His salvation teaching, that they needed die to their ‘flesh nature’ bent to sin, and Paul in this context saying, ‘it is no longer I that lives, but Christ lives in me. Now we may understand Christ’s instruction of need to be ‘born again’, in hearing the good news, we die to sin (nature), and Christ makes alive again (born again/resurrected) with deposit of the Holy Spirit .. the Kingdom within us.

    Christ after crucifixion went into the depths where He teaches/preaches, and in victory over death brings with Him (from Sheol) those promised resurrection these first the Jew being the upright & righteous. Thereafter, all that hear the word and believe, each receive the goal of their faith, the (resurrection/salvation) of their soul. Verse that tells of the Return of Christ’ when He brings salvation, speaking of Himself being salvation to all those (in one end of the heavens to the other) waiting for Him.

    Now if you’ve realized Rev-20 is talking of an unknown period of time, concerning two events, it becomes obvious it is the remaining of this earth age, and after (final) judgment, moves into the eternal (New creations) of heaven, earth, and Jerusalem, where is found the Temple (saints) made by the hand of God… and the rest will have to be lived to understand.

    Now Satan in the abyss waiting to be released for a short time, also makes sense.


  4. I am not sure which view of the millennium that I hold. I was a Pretribulational Premillennalist; however, I feel many of them are too predictive. I am a Partial Preterist. There is an Historical Premillennialism that holds the Partial Preterist view. This is something new, and I agree with it. Perhaps that is the view I now believe in. In my opinion, it is better than postmillennialism, a view which I cannot accept.


  5. It is to disturbing to read the entire article, based so significantly on an incorrect translation of the Greek alpha-numeric ‘Chilioi’, solely into a Latin Millennium… that does not even closely translate the Greek Chilioi meaning or purpose.
    Chilioi is a ‘numeric’ derived from the Greek math theorem base-10, in which (10x3rd power) Chilioi represents the (unit) of ‘Thousands’… perhaps significant is that this numeric was pronounced in John of Patmos time as a literal (unit) of plural “Thousands”. Validated in the original Greek of NT, when Chilioi or Chilias is found, it also will be found with additional numeric to express the (sum) within this unit of thousands.
    The only exception of Chilioi needing additional numeric to express sum within the Chilioi-thousands, is when Chilioi used unusually without additional numeric (sum) only eight times in the entire NT, 6-times in Rev-20, and remaining 2-times in 2 peter 3:8.
    Do web search with key words “rtpricetag Millennium of This Earth Age’, read my study/research about this false Millennium.


  6. rad…
    I fully agree, this Latin Millennium, a carry over of (some long ago) Hebrew mystics wanting to rule over others, is a misinterpreted teaching the purpose to solely mislead Christians.
    Proof, most Christian scholar and theologian agree it is the Greek ‘Chilioi’ frond in earliest manuscripts, not ‘Chilias’ as is taught. This is easily validated by anyone wanting to do a simplest search for truth.
    This ‘Chilioi’ is not a word, but a Greek numeric, from Base-10, representing (10x3rd power) the plural ‘unit of thousands’. Look into original Greek of the New Testament, when ever a sum within thousand(s) is mentioned, you will always find additional numeric giving this sum (like pentakischilioi as 5,000’s), (a second condition is other numeric included with Chilioi/Chilias, like 1260 days). You will find 2 Peter 3:8 and Revelation 20:1-7 are the only eight times Chilioi is found (in entire NT) without additional numeric to describe a sum within this Chilioi unit of Thousands. Both Chilioi and Chilias are derived from same numeric root of (plural) thousands, and was expressed by Greek as plural-thousands.


  7. christian living bible verses is more than
    just a book of regulations. The simple fact is
    that Jesus wants to be elevated to the first place was so that we may be forgiven of our sins that we commit daily.
    What does it mean to live a Christian life means being kind,
    no matter what the personal cost.


  8. You do not want to reign (rule) over an unsaved when Christ returns (not to bear sin again, or no salvation and instead for jugdment).
    Take a lesson from the Catholic churched, that in 382AD commissioned the Greek New Testament language be translated to Latin, where we get this ‘Millennium’. The Catholic church strongly condemns the present misunderstanding and teaching of the Millennium.
    The only biblical teaching close to this short period of reign/ruler, is when Satan is released from the abyss claiming to be the messiah.


  9. Hey Bob, thanks for sharing your comments. I have 25 years of pastoral experience (currenlty pastoring near Jacksonville, Fl). I’ve written a book on Revelation (actually the Seven Seals of Revelation) called, “S.O.S. From God”. S.O.S. stands for “Seven Open Seals”. It’s the BEST Christian book you will NOT find in Christian book stores. Please email me for more info! My email address is ‘”. Hope to hear from you!


  10. Hey Scott, I’ve written a book on Revelation (actually the Seven Seals of Revelation) called, “S.O.S. From God”. S.O.S. stands for “Seven Open Seals”. It’s the BEST Christian book you will NOT find in Christian book stores. Please email me for more info! My email address is ‘”. Hope to hear from you!


  11. Worthy of being considered regarding this ‘Millennium’ is that it is from translation of the original Greek ‘chilioi’ that has as much a symbolic value as literal, and as used implies an inexact quantity (see Strongs dictionary definitions… NT:5507 ‘xi/lioi’, in Greek ‘chilioi’ (khil’-ee-oy); plural of uncertain affinity; a thousand). Besides as used in Rev-20 actually describing and representing two seperate Thousand-events, it is worth knowing the Greek numbering system as example concerning ‘mega’ (great), ‘giga’ (giant), ‘tera’ (monster) may indeed show this specific Greek word as used has also meaning few are aware. Then consider also this word ‘chilioi/chiliai is used singularly (by itself) without addition or extension (in complex form) being found only eight times in the entire NT, revealed (in singular form) six of these eight times in Rev-20 as a ‘Thousand’, and the remaining two times in 2-Peter (as an inexact quantity and being ‘likened to’ a day like a thousand years).
    Next realize Rev-20 describes Satan cast bound and sealed into the abyss (before) the First Resurrection of saints ‘reign’ (not rule) with Christ. Satan being cast out of heaven only once directly into the abyss best described in Isa 14:12-15 and here the grave is Sheol, and the pit is the abyss, and 2Thess 2:5-7 describes Satan now held back by Christ who described already having seen Satan’s fall. Certainly Satan is ‘spiritually active on earth today’, this described as Satan now in a heavenly realm however as spirit, just as certain not able in this condition to lead all nations astray as done before (and will again happen when released for a short time from the abyss as ruler over the earth).
    There is so much more and important information regarding the ‘Thousand’, such as the other Latin translation of ‘rapturo’ that has caused much misplaced priority upon words, I would encourage reading my internet artical with URL address…


  12. Thank you for putting together this well written paper. Personally, I tend to lean more towards historical Lutheranism in regards to eschatology (as well as the “true presence,” but that’s a whole new can of worms). I’m of the mindset however that no matter how it plays out in the end, the ultimate result will be the same (I quote Romans 14:8 here).


  13. I tend to be Postmillennialist.I believe that Christ is reigning,but he won’t come back until he puts all his enemies under his feet.I don’t believe that man will make things perfect,because I believe that man is totally depraved.Most Postmillenialist believe that It will come through the preaching of the gospel.


  14. I am just a backwoods layman so excuse me for not being eloquent in my writing. I’ve had no religious training or education except for reading the Bible cover to cover ten years ago. I never attended a church up until then and I’m now 62. In other words, I had no preconceptions when I read the Bible through. With new found enthusiasm I entered the world of Christians only to be profoundly disappointed. When I read the Bible thru, there was plenty I didn’t understand but the basic tenets of the kingdom of our Almighty God showed through unclouded. All the way to the end. Revelation is an encouragement to us to per server through tribulation until our blessed Lord returns, at which time He will make everything right and we will be ONE with Him in SPIRIT as He is ONE with God. It is all of spirit as God is spirit. The city of God, the Church, God our Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit are all to be ONE. The world passes away to judgement. What is so complicated about this. Whatever the particulars are doesn’t seem very important next to ensuring that your soul is resting in Christ Jesus. In my opinion, the anti-christ is the Roman church, the Mormons, the Jehovah Witnesses, the TV evangelicals, etc. All encompassed by the big one……HUMANISM.


  15. You need to rework this Richard, because Holland should really be in your list of 10 — a godless nation! And so should Spain, and c’mon, Italy!! Who else has 7 hills?? OK, Holland has no hills and most of it is under sea level — but wait, a beast comes from the sea… hmmm. And don’t forget that the Coat of Arms for Prince Charles of Wales has a dragon on it. There are so many options yet.

    God bless you, and continue your devotion to the Word.


  16. Hi,

    Enclosed is a Bible study of the 7 Bible clues which reveal the identity of the coming antichrist of the Great Tribulation. Hoping for your comments and feedback.

    Your eternal friend in Jesus,



    Revelation 13:17b,18: “The mark of the beast {Or antichrist} is the *NAME* of the Beast or the number of *HIS NAME*. This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, *LET HIM* calculate the number of the Beast {Even in AD 96 when Revelation was written}, for it is a man’s number {Or “Number of a MAN”}. *HIS* number is *666*.” God has promised in the above inspired passage that any saint {Even in AD 96–which implies that the name was known in AD 96} with spiritual wisdom and insight may calculate the name of the beast which is a *MAN’S NAME* and adds up to 666.
    In Thess 2:3 the Beast of the End-Times is called a “*MAN* of sin or lawlessness” or very SINFUL MAN and therefore the name of the Beast which adds up to 666 is a *MAN’S* name which is also confirmed in Rev 13:17b,18 above. Therefore, the NAME of the Beast which adds up to 666 is a sinful *MAN’S NAME* and could not be the name of a woman or a city, country, computer or Satan, etc.. Rev 13:16,17: “He {The False Prophet} forced everyone… to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead. No one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast {Nero Caesar??} or the number of his name {666}.
    Actually there are 7 BIBLE CLUES that show who the antichrist of the future 1260-day Tribulation will be. By an amazing coincidence all 7 Bible clues can be applied to Nero Caesar!!
    {1} The anti-christ will be a “MAN OF SIN” or very sinful MAN as per 2 Thess 2:3 above.
    {2} The number of this sinful man’s name is 666 as per Rev 13:16-18. The Bible was written by 40 divinely inspired Hebrews in Hebrew and Greek; so then it is highly probable that this man’s name adds up to 666 in Hebrew or Greek. Nero Caesar’s name adds up to 666 in Hebrew which we will show later in this Bible study.
    {3} This sinful man whose name adds up to 666 died BEFORE AD 96 when Revelation was written.{See Rev 17:8 below} We will show later why Revelation was written between Sept AD 95 and Sept AD 96. Nero Caesar lived from December 15th, AD 37 to June 9th AD 68.
    {4} This sinful man who was alive and then died before AD 96 was FATALLY WOUNDED by a sword wound to his head. Nero Caesar committed suicide with a sword wound to his head on June 9th, AD 68. {See Rev 13:3 and Rev 13:14 below}
    {5} This very sinful man who died before AD 96 was a KING in the Roman Empire as per Daniel 7:24. There were 11 Roman Kings or Caesars who died before AD 96 including the 6th Roman Caesar who killed Paul and Peter in AD 66; and whose name adds up to 666 in Hebrew. Domitian Caesar was the 12th Caesar who was alive when Revelation was written in AD 96.
    {6} The beast is also called an 8th KING who ruled before AD 96 as one of 7 KINGS crowned by the city on 7 hills. {Rev 17:9-11} The identity of these 8 KINGS will be discussed later in this article.
    {7} This very sinful ROMAN KING whose name adds up to 666 and who was fatally wounded by a sword before AD 96, will “COME UP FROM THE *ABYSS* or hell as per Rev 11:7 & Rev 17:8. We know that the ABYSS is HELL by comparing 2 Peter 2:4 with Luke 8:30b,31. We can be sure that Nero Caesar is now in the Abyss or Hell since he killed Paul and Peter and thousands of Christians and sent Vespasian {the father of Titus and Domitian Caesar} to kill the Jews and destroy their Temple. The MAN OF SIN or Nero also killed his own mother and killed his pregnant wife by kicking her in the stomach.
    Revelation 17:8: The beast, which you saw, once was {alive}, Now {in AD 96} is not {alive} and will come up out of the Abyss and go to his destruction. The inhabitants of the earth whose names have not been written in the book life.. .. will be astonished when they see the beast, because he once was {Before AD 96}, now {In AD 96} is not {Alive} and yet will come. Rev 13:14: He {The False Prophet} will order the inhabitants of the earth to set up an image in honor of the beast who was {FATALLY-Rev 13:3} wounded by the sword and yet lived.” Rev 13:3: One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound. but the fatal wound had been HEALED!! The whole world was astonished and followed the beast.

    When I was a missionary in Israel I studied the Hebrew language. One of the first things that you learn when you study the OT Ancient Hebrew language {Which is also the language of Israel today!} is that the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet ALSO represent 22 numbers! When you read Psalm 119 you will note that the 176 sentences are divided into 22 sections; each section with 8 sentences or verses praising the Word of God. These 22 sections are each headed by one of the letters in the Hebrew alphabet in the exact same order as shown below. The ancient Hebrew language {Which is exactly the same as the modern Hebrew language} frequently used the letters of their alphabet to designate NUMBERS IN THE OT as follows:
    ALEPH=1. BETH=2. GIMEL=3. DALET=4. HE=5. VAV=6. ZAYIN=7. CHETH=8. TETH=9. YODH=10. KAPH=20. LAMED=30. MEM=40. NUN=50. SAMEKH=60. AYIN=70. PE=80. TSADHE=90. KOPH=100. RESH=200. SHIN=300. TAV=400.
    NOTE: Most vowel sounds excpt “O” {VAV} are not used as letters in Hebrew. These vowel sounds are designated by dots and dashes under their *PRECEDING* consonants. In Hebrew “N” is added on the end of all foreign names ending in “O”. Therefore, the foreign name of Nero would be “NERON” in Hebrew. The name Nero Caesar would be pronounced Neron Kaysar in Hebrew. The “E” in Neron and the 2 “A” sounds in Kaysar {There is no “C” in Hebrew} are designated by dots and dashes under their preceding consonants and therefore are not letters in the 22 letter Hebrew alphabet, and so have no numerical value. Neron in Hebrew would use 4 letters with numerical value: N-R-O-N and Kaysar in Hebrew would use 3 letters with numerical value: K-S-R. There would be a dot under the first N to show the “E” sound in NEron There would also be 2 dots under the “K” to show the “AY” sound in KAYsar and a dash under the “S” to show the “AH” sound in KaySAHr.
    The 4 letters with numerical value in NERON would be {SEE TABLE ABOVE} N = 50; R = RESH = 200; O = VAV = 6; and N = NUN = 50 and 50+20+6+50 equals 306. The 3 letters with numerical value in “KAYSAR woyld be K = KOPH = 100; S = SAMEKH = 60; and R = RESH =200 and 100+60+200 equals 360. And so the numerical value of Nero in Hebrew is 306 and the numerical value of Caesar in Hebrew is 360, and therefore the numerical value of Nero Caesar is 306+360 or exactly *666*!
    There is a very interesting footnote in the revised Standard Version concerning the number 666 which states that some ancient manuscripts have the number **616** which *DOUBLY* confirms that Nero Caesar may be the Anti-Christ!! You will note that the Hebrew language adds an “N” to all foreign names eding in “O”. Now “N” or “NUN” in Hebrew has a numerical value of **50**!! and so if you decided not to add the last “N” in NERON then Nero Caesar would add up to exactly **616** in Hebrew. I think you will admit that this is an absolutely amazing coincidence!!
    Any honest Hebrew language scholar will confirm that the letters of Nero Caesar’s name add up to 666 in the hebrew language whose 22 letters are also 22 numbers as shown above. Since all of the prophecies concerning the Antichriist are written in OT Hebrew {Like Daniel 7:8-25} or NT Koine Greek it would then seem logical that God would use one of these 2 Bible languages to identify the Name of the Beast whose letters add up to 666. One of the problems of doing this in NT Koine Greek is that the letters of their alphabet are not also numbers. And therefore you can only assign a numerical value of 22 to the 22nd letter, etc.. Using this formula you could not get any name to add up to over 250, let alone 666. You have the same problem with English and all other languages other than the Hebrew language!
    NOTE: The 3 different Greek words used in Revelation 13:18b to arrive at the number 666 are the 3 different Greek words for 600 and 60 and 6 and not 6 + 6 + 6.
    Will the 6th Caesar {Julius, Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius & the *6th* is NERO who ordered the execution of Paul & Peter in AD *66*} be the Beast who comes up from the Abyss {Or Hell-See Rev 11:7 & Rev 17:8} in the coming Great Tribulation??

    Rev 1:8,9: “I, John, your brother and companion in the suffering and kingdom and patient endurance that are ours in Jesus, was on the island of Patmos beacuse of the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus.” We know that the island of Patmos was the site of a Roman prison in the first Century and that the Apostle John was suffering in this prison because of his religious beliefs. {As per Rev 1:8,9 above} The island of Patmos is about 30 miles from the port of Ephesus in Western Turkey.
    History tells us that the second huge Roman persecution of Christians {The first was NERO’S PERSECUTION OF AD 64-68} occurred in the last year of the reign of Domitian Caesar which would have been from September AD 95 to September AD 96. During the last year of his rule Domitian Caesar decreed that everyone in the Roman Empire must worship idols of former Roman Caesar’s or else they would be killed or put in prison. Historical documents show us that the Apostle John lived to about AD 100 and therefore would have been alive during Domitian’s evil decree of September Ad 95 to September of AD 96. Since we can be sure that the Apostle John would never worship an idol of a Roman Caesar it is then highly probable that John was put in prison on Patmos Isle sometime during Domitian’s evil decree from September AD 95 to September AD 96. Rev 1:10,11: “On the Lord’s Day I {John} was in the spirit and I heard a loud voice {Jesus} said, ‘Write on a scroll what you see and send it to the 7 churches: to Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatria, Sardis, Philadelphis and Laodicea.” The last 6 churches are all in Western Turkey within 77 miles of Ephesus. About 50 years earlier Paul had started churches in these 7 cities. Paul always had Jewish converts in the cities where he preached since he had the habit of teaching in Jewish synagogues on the Sabbath. It was then highly probable that all 7 of these chuches had Jewish believers who were very familiar with the Hebrew language and of course knew that the 22 letters of the Jewish alphabet are also 22 numbers and also remembered the first Roman persecution by Nero or the “MAN OF SIN” about 30 years earlier when Paul & Peter and thousands of Christians were martyred because of Nero Caesar. Nero also sent Vespasian, the father of Titus and Domitian; to kill the Jews and destroy their Temple. He also killed his mother and killed his pregnant wife by kicking her in the stomach.

    Christian writings in the early 2nd century AD show that many Christians at that time believed that Nero Caesar {Who adds up to 666 in Hebrew} would return as the Anti-Christ of the End-Times. Rev 13:18: “This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight {Even in AD 96}, let him {Even in AD 96} calculate the Beast, for it is a man’s number. His {Nero Caesar’s} number is 666!” And so the above Scripture absolutely guarantees that anyone with spiritual wisdom and insight could figure out who the Anti-Christ of the End-Times would be even when Revelation was first given to the churches in AD 96, and that the number of his name adds up to 666. This would of course mean that the future antichrist must have been alive before AD 96 when this Scripture was given to the churches. Nero Caesar {Whose name adds up to 666 in Hebrew} certainly qualified since he lived from Dec 15th AD 37 to June 9th, AD 68 when he was fatally wounded by his own SWORD.
    NOTE: There are many statues of the exact likeness of Nero Caesar including a 151 foot statue in the “Golden House” in Rome. The statue of Liberty {Without pedestal} is also exactly 151 feet high… hmmm. At the beginning of Great Tribulation the False Prophet of 666, Rev 13:14: “Will order the people of the earth to set up a statue in honor of the beast who was wounded {Fatally-Rev 13:3} by the SWORD and yet lived!” {Again} This staue of the Beast will be the “exact likeness” of Nero Caesar and could possibly be seen on World Wide TV so that people of all nations will be able to worship this statue as per Rev 13:15b.
    Revelation 17:8b: “Those whose names have not been written in the Book of Life will be astonished when they see the beast {666}, because he once was {Alive–AD 37-68} now in AD 96 is not {Alive}, and yet will come.” {During the Great Tribulation} The Beast once was {Alive before AD 96} now is not {Alive in AD 96}, and will come out of the ABYSS {Or HELL} and go to his destruction.” {On the last Day-See Rev 19:20b}
    The fact that the ABYSS is HELL is confirmed by comparing 2 Peter 2:4 with Luke 8:30b,31: 2 Peter 2:4: “God did not spare the angels when they sinned but sent them into HELL, putting them in gloomy dungeons to be held for judgment.” Luke 8:30b,31: “Many demons {Or Hell’s Angels} had gone into him {A demon-possessed man}. And they begged Jesus repeatedly not to order them into the ABYSS! {Because they had already been in Hell or the ABYSS before!!} Also in Luke 16:22-24 we read that there was a rich man already in HELL at the time of Jesus. Now we can be absolutely certain that an evil Roman king from the city on 7 hills; who was fatally wounded by a sword *BEFORE* Revelation was written in AD 96; and whose name adds up to 666 is presently in this ABYSS or HELL!!
    All historical documents agree that Nero Caesar {The 6th Caesar who ordered the execution of Paul & Peter in AD 66 and whose name adds up to 666 in Hebrew} was fatally wounded by his own SWORD on June 9th AD 68. In Revelation 13:14b we learn that the False Prophet of 666 will order the building of a statue of 666 “Who was {FATALLY-See Rev 13:3} wounded by the SWORD and yet lived!” {AGAIN} Nero Caesar {Whose name adds up to 666 in Hebrew} again qualifies for this inspired clue as to the identity of the antichrist. Nero’s 4-year Roman persecution began when he blamed the Christians for the burning of Rome in AD 64; and ended when Nero was fatally wounded by his own SWORD on June 9th, AD 68.
    Almost all conservative Bible theologians agree that the 4th Beast of Daniel 7:7,19 is the *ROMAN* Empire. In Daniel 7:20,21 we learn that a little horn who is also called a *KING* in Daniel 7:24 will come from this *ROMAN* Empire. Daniel 7:24b,25-27: “A *KING* {From the *ROMAN* Empire–Nero Caesar??} will arise…. He will speak against the Most High and oppress his saints. The saints will be handed over to him for a Time, Times and ½ a Time.” “But the court will sit, and his {666 or the Roman King or the Beast or Nero Caesar-See Rev 19:20,21 and 2 Thess 2:8} power will be taken away and completely destroyed forever. *THEN* the sovereignty, power and greatness of the kingdoms under the whole Heaven will be handed over to the saints, the people of the Most High. His Kingdom will be an everlasting Kingdom.”
    Revelation 6:7,8: When the Lamb opened the 4th seal, I heard the voice of the 4th living creature say, “Come!” I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death {666, who will cause the death of millions} and Hades {The False Prophet who will cause millions to go to Hades by receiving the mark of 666} was following close behind him. THEY {Nero Caesar and the False Prophet} were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth. Daniel 7:8,20,24 says that an evil Roman King will conquer 3 of the 10 kingdoms {which will cover one fourth of the earth??}–Russia {Combined with former Soviet Union}, China and India cover one fourth of the earth and have over one fourth of the world’s population! These 3 kingdoms may object and become jealous of 666 and his False Prophet ruling every country in the world.
    The following 10 powerful nations have about 50% of the world’s population and certainly have the military, political and “religious” power to control and rule all the nations of the world: #1. United States #2. Russia #3. China {1.3 Billion} #4. Great Britain #5. France #6. India {1.1 Billion} #7. Germany #8. Japan #9. Brazil #10. Egypt. And then 666 will have “authority over every tribe, people, language and nation” as per Rev 13:7b, from his headquarters in Rome. 666 and his False prophet will then quickly gain complete control over the radio, tv, internet, newspaper, book and magazine medias.
    Revelation 13:4: Men worshipped the dragon {Satan}, and they also worshipped the beast {666 or Nero Caesar} and asked, “Who is like the beast? Who can make war against him?
    The next 2 paragraphs are an interesting SPECULATION about what might happen at the beginning of the 1260-day Great Tribulation and who might be the future false propet of 666.
    Revelation 6:6: “A quart of wheat for a day’s wages!” This phrase can also be translated “A loaf of bread for a day’s wages.” This event will occur at the coming of the black horse rider {Rev 6:5} which will take place just before or at the beginning of the Great Tribulation. Because of the world’s present economic crises the peoples in the 40 poorest counties now have to pay a full day’s wages for a loaf of bread as per Rev 6:6. And if the world experiences a world-wide depression this event could occur in over 100 countries. The world economic crises is rapidly accelarating. Many countries such as the Phillipines are far worse off than people in the USA during the Great Depression when there was 20 % unemployment. Two years ago there was 8 % unemployment in the Phillipines. One year ago there was 20% unemployment in the Philipines and NOW there is 40 % unemployment!! The world economic crises is rapidly accelarating. There are now 70 countries with unemployment rates of over 30 % and this should rapidly increase. And then the world will certainly be looking for an Economic Savior such as 666 and his very deceptive False Prophet. They will be looking for someone who promises CHANGE!! If the Great Tribulation would begin in the near future is there a well-known, powerful world leader that may qualify to be the deceptive False Prophet of 666 who will promise CHANGE you can believe in!! Will this powerful world leader try to bankrupt the USA which will in turn cause a worldwide depression and cause the price of a loaf of bread to cost a full day’s wages???
    And so Nero Caesar with the help of the armies of the False Prophet {Obama??} and other nations aligned with him will conquer 1/4 of the world {See Rev 6:8; 13:4b} and then 666 will appoint 10 kings over 10 kingdoms to rule the world who have never before ruled {see Rev 17:12-14} who will then take orders from 666 and his False Prophet from their headquarters in the evil city on 7 HILLS or Rome.{See Rev 17:9}
    “Babylon” is called a CITY 7 times in Revelation, chapter 18, and a SEAPORT in Rev 18:17-19. Peter was inspired to call Rome “Babylon” in I Peter 5:13. Rome is a CITY and a SEAPORT built on 7 HILLS! Babylon and Jerusalem are not seaports and are not built on 7 hills!
    Rev 13:14-17: The False Prophet deceived the inhabitants of the earth. He ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was {FATALLY-Rev 13:3} wounded by the sword and yet lived. He was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast {666}, so that it could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. He also forced everyone to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast {NERO CAESAR} or the number of his name {666}. And God will supply all the needs of His faithful and corageous Tribulation saints just as He miraculously supplied all the needs of the Israelites for 40 years in the wilderness. {See Matt 6:31-34}
    Rev 13:5-10: The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise his authority for 42 {30-day} months {Or 1260 days or time, times and 1/2 a time-See Dan 7:25 & Dan 12:1,2,6b,7b}….. He was given power to make war against the saints and to conquer them. And he was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation. All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast–all whose names have not been written in the book of life belonging to the Lamb…. This call for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of the saints.
    Matt 24:9-12…Matt 24:29-31: Jesus says, “Then {During the 42-month Great Tribulation} you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by ALL nations because of Me. At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved… Immediately after the distress of those {1260} days ‘the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light and the stars will fall from the sky.’ At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the **CLOUDS**{See Rev 1:7; Mark 14:62 & I Thess 4:16,17} of the sky, with power and great glory. And He will send His angels with a loud **TRUMPET**{See Rev 10:7; 11:15-18; I Cor 15:51,52; I Thess 4:16} call, and they will gather His elect from the 4 winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.” {Mark 13:27 adds, “From the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens.
    There will be 2 Comings of Jesus on the same Last Day: The first above was *FOR* His saints and then after the Marraige Feast of the Lamb Jesus will come *WITH* His saints as per Rev 19:6-8; 11,14,19-21: “Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns, Let us rejoice and be glad and give Him glory! For the Wedding of the Lamb has come, and His bride has made herself ready, fine linen, bright and clean was given her to wear…. I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True… The armies of Heaven were following Him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean… Then I saw a beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to make war against the Rider on the horse and His army {See Rev 17:14 & Jude 14,15}. But the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who had performed the miraculous signs and his behalf. With these signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshipped his image. The two of them were thrown ALIVE into the fiery lake of burning sulfur {See 2 Thess 2:8}. The rest of them were killed by the sword that came out of the mouth of the Rider on the horse, and all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh.


    Most Bible scholars believe that the book of First Peter was written shortly after the beginning of Nero’s Roman persecution of Christians in AD 64 because of I Peter 4:12,13 & 5:8,9. We know that Peter and his wife were living in Rome at this time. Peter was inspired to write in I Peter 5:13: “She {Peter’s wife} who is in *BABYLON* {Nickname for *ROME*!} sends you her greetings, and so does my son Mark.” Apparently some Christians including Peter were inspired to call ROME “BABYLON” after Nero’s terrible persecution of Christians starting in AD 64. This is very interesting since the evil city of the End-Times is called “BABYLON” 6 times in Revelation 14:8; 16:19; 17:5; 18:2,10,21. Ancient Babylon Had destroyed God’s Holy Temple and God’s Holy City, Jerusalem; and killed, exiled and persecuted God’s people for 70 years. Actually all encyclopedias agree that Babylon was completely evacuated in 275 BC and completely destroyed by 141 BC. The Wikipedia encyclopedia states, “By 141 BC, when the Parthian Empire took over the region, Babylon was in complete desolation and obscurity.” The only question that remains is: Was Babylon rebuilt so that there could be people living in Babylon around AD 65 when Peter wrote 1 Peter 5:13??? Which leads us to the promises of God in Jeremiah 50:1-3,13: This is the word the Lord spoke through Jeremiah concerning Babylon..”Babylon will be captured… A nation from the north will attack her and lay waste her land. No one will live in it; both men and animals will flee away!” Jeremiah 52:52:61-64: When you get to Babylon, see that you read all these words aloud. Then say, “O Lord, you have said you will destroy this place, so that neither man nor animal will live in it; IT WILL BE DESOLATE FOREVER When you finish readiing this scroll, tie a stone to it and throw it into the Euphrates. Then say, “So will Babylon SINK TO RISE NO MORE because of the disaster I will bring upon her.” And God ALWAYS keeps His promises.
    And God kept His promise for about 2284 years; since ancient Babylon is still a pile of rubble to this very day, and will remain that way until the Last Day of the Planet Earth; for God always keeps His promises. “Babylon” {Nicknamed Rome by Peter} is a “GREAT SEAPORT” in Rev 18:17-19; JUST LIKE ROME and UNLIKE Babylon whose ruins are NOW 4 miles from the very shallow Euphrates River; or Jerusalem which is 2000 to 3000 feet above sea level and 35 miles from the Mediterranean Sea. Babylon is also completely FLAT whereas the End-Time “Babylon” will be a city built on 7 Hills JUST LIKE ROME!!
    Rev 17:18: “The woman you saw {Rev 17:3–Who sits with the Beast with 7 heads} is the great *CITY* {Rome–nicknamed Babylon in I Peter 5:13–See Rev 17:5a} that will rule over the kings of the earth.” {During the Great Tribulation} Rev 17:9-11: “This calls for a mind with wisdom. The 7 heads are 7 hills on which the woman {Or city of Rome} sits.” Rome is a city built on 7 HILLS!! They {The 7 Heads} are also 7 KINGS {From the city on 7 hills or Rome}. Five {Of these 7 KINGS} have fallen {Or died before AD 96}, one {the 6th KING} *IS* {Or reigning when Revelation was written in AD 96}, the other {or 7th KING} has not yet come, but when he {The 7th KING} does come, he must remain for for a little while. {Possibly the False Prophet of 666 {Or Black Horse Rider} who will be anointed by Satan just before the coming of the 8th KING {Or Pale Horse Rider} who ruled before as one of the 7 Kings} The beast {Nero Caesar who once was {Alive from Dec 15, AD 37 to June 9, AD 68}, and NOW {In AD 96} is not {Alive} is an 8th KING. He belongs to the 7 {KINGS}, because He once was {Alive-AD 37-68} NOW {In AD 96} is not {Alive}, and yet will come {1260 days before the Last Day}.”
    WHO ARE OR WILL BE THE 8 KINGS OF REV 17:10,11?? ROME APPOINTED THE JEWISH KINGS AFTER THEY CONQUERED ISRAEL IN 63 BC AND THE 7 KINGS OF REV 13:1B all had “blasphemous names” so we can assume that they were evil kings who had killed or persecuted Jesus and His followers. And so the first 3 EVIL KINGS {Who are all called KINGS in God’s Word{See Matt 2:1; Mark 6:25,26 & Acts 12:1} were all Israeli KINGS who killed or persecuted Jesus and His followers} and who were appointed by the evil city on 7 hills or Rome:


    ** {#1} ** Herod the Great who tried to kill the baby Jesus: Rev 12:3-5: “Another sign appeared in Heaven : An enormous red DRAGON {Or Satan-See Rev 12:9} with 7 heads {Or 7 KINGS-See Rev 17:10a}… and 7 crowns on his {7} heads {Satan crowns the 7 kings whereas 666 crowns the 10 horns}. The DRAGON {Or Satan} stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that he might devour her Child the moment he was born {Thru his first evil king or Herod the Great as per Matt 2:13b,16!!} She gave birth to a Son {Jesus} a male Child, who will rule the nations with an iron scepter!!”
    **{#2}** Herod Antipas who killed John the Baptist and ridiculed and tortured Jesus {See Matt 14:1-12; Luke 23:7-11}
    **{#3}** Herod Antipas who killed the Apostle James and tried to kill Peter. {See Acts 12:1-5,19-23} **{#4}** Nero Caesar who will come again as the 8th KING who will be the anti-christ of the End-Times.
    **{#5}** Titus Caesar who killed thousands of Christians when he destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple in AD 70. Titus is also mentioned as a “Prince” in Daniel 9:26. Titus Caesar was the oldest son of Vespasian Caesar who was Caesar from Dec AD 69 to AD 79; and therefore heir and Crown *PRINCE* to the throne in Rome and was Caesar from AD 79 to AD 81.
    **{#6**}** Domitian Caesar the 6th KING {“NOW IS”} was ruling in AD 96, and decreed in the last year of his reign {Sept AD 95 to Sept AD 96} that everyone must worship former Roman Caesars {Like Nero} or be killed and put in prison. {Like the Apostle John who was living in Ephesus at that time.}
    **{#7}** Possibly the False Prophet of 666 who will be crowned the 7th evil King of Rome by Satan shortly before the coming of the:
    **{8th}** KING or Nero Caesar {The End-Time Beast or Anti-Christ}; who ruled before as one of the **7 KINGS** The 4TH & 8TH KING will come up up from the Abyss or Hell exactly 1260 days before the last Day to rule from the evil city on 7 hills or Rome.
    Rev 17:6: “The woman {ROME} will be drunk with the blood of the saints, the blood of those who bear testimony to Jesus.” While in in Rev 13:7 we learn that the Anti-Christ will be given “power to make war against the saints and to conquer them.” And in Rev 13:15b we read that 666 will “cause all who refuse to worship his statue to be killed.” We must therefore conclude that the evil city “on 7 hills” or Rome will be the HEADQUARTERS of 666 during the Great Tribulation.
    The Anti-Christ will very quickly conquer 1/4th of the world with many miracles {See Rev 6:8; 13:4} and will then appoint 10 Kings who have never before ruled over the 10 most powerful nations of the world {See Rev 17:12-14,17}. The following 10 powerful nations have about 50% of the world’s population and certainly have the military, political and “religious” power to control and rule all the nations of the world: #1. United States #2. Russia #3. China {1.3 Billion} #4. Great Britain #5. France #6. India {1.1 Billion} #7. Germany #8. Japan #9. Brazil #10. Egypt. Brazil borders every country in South America except for Chile. Egypt is the university, intellectual and theological center of Islam. And then 666 will have “authority over every tribe, people, language and nation” as per Rev 13:7b, from his headquarters in the city built on 7 hills or Rome.


  17. EXCELLENT DOUG! And kudos to those who have already responded! Why is it that I have just NOW found this post AFTER our show together?
    (I’ll attempt to link the actual podcast here again later)

    Many of these matters came up in our panel discussion and although we do come from different parts of the spectrum, I have found your devotion to truth and to encouraging the saints is CLEAR evidence of Christ’s rule in His church upon earth!! 🙂 (Let the reader understand)

    Peace to all the saints,


  18. Sorry I am just now reading this post. I have only recently started my own blog and joined a blog community to find others writing like-minded things. You have done an excellent job presenting the millenial views and views of the book of Revelation.

    There are a few points worth considering:

    1) Concerning amillenialim – you mentioned earlier in your article that they believe Christ will never have an earthly reign. I think that is somewhat of a misnomer. Most would recognize that Christ does reign over the earth now, as His throne is over all of heaven and earth as He is seated next to the Father (Matt 28:18; Eph 1:18-23). And He will also reign on the new earth once He returns to make all things news.

    2) Regarding the preterist view – this is actually split into full and partial preterism. A partial preterist view seems a little more reasonable, as they would admit some things like Revelation 21 & 22 are concerning the future.

    3) Finally, the major views of Revelation – there is actually a fourth view, of which you might be aware. It is known as the spiritualist or idealist view holding that Revelation has spiritual truths to teach the church throughout all time.

    I have just begun writing on some things concerning eschatology on my blog – I usually find most teaching about eschatology on radio or television to be unhelpful in keeping with the Scriptures. Check it out if you get a moment.

    Thanks again.


  19. We are seeing a shift towards a post millennium view from a premillenial history at our church. This has caused us to become overly focused on renewl/regeneration of the earth, litterally. This seems to include the environment, culture, government, oppression, poverty etc. This often takes the form of partnering with secular humanitarian organization, relief agencies and others. It seems that this escatology is a slippery slope distracting the church from presenting the reconcilliation work of Christ (offensive)v.s. ushering in the millennium in a form of social gospel (popular and politically correct). In over 2,000 years we have seen men be reconciled to Christ but no such “improvement” with the earth or human relations. Could this not be a distraction to keep the church away from equiping the saints for the ministry of reconcilliation(Screw Tape Letters) or am I off base? I our previous position seemed to embace more of prophsey which was given to protect the elect from being decived than the post mill. position? Could we not be decived even now?
    Your thoughts? rad


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